Can I go Off-Roading with my Compact Trailer?

Jeep pulling green space trailer in desert SPACE Trailers are known for being compact, lightweight, and easy to pull behind any type of vehicle. They were made with the intention to save on space and make it easy to do what you love. Whether that be traveling, camping, or using the trailer for yardwork, we’ve had customers purchase our trailers for many reasons. However, one of the top questions we receive are whether you can go off-roading with these compact trailers. The answer, in short, is no. Let us explain.

Made for Paved Paths

Off-roading trailers typically are designed with high ground clearance. Although you get good ground clearance with a SPACE Trailer, they are not designed to go over large rocks or rough terrain. SPACE Trailers have only ever been tested and built specifically for paved paths. The wheels are designed for highway driving (rated to 80 MPH). Typically, you will want a different type of tire on your trailer to go off-roading with.

Are Gravel Paths Okay?

Space Trailer on gravel dirt pathGravel paths and muddy paths won’t damage your trailer, it just might run a risk of putting some dings in it. We’ve had customers take their trailers on muddy paths or gravel roads, with their trailer holding up just fine. However, any type of terrain that could potentially damage your trailer is not what a SPACE Trailer is meant for. If you were to use your trailer to go off-roading with and you damaged a part on the trailer, it is a good possibility that the warranty would be voided.

Keep on the Lookout

With all this being said, we are in the process of thinking of new ideas for SPACE Trailers. An off-road trailer is among one of them! As we continue to grow and expand, there will be more opportunities and new designs coming along. Your safety is our utmost priority. If we think any type of terrain wouldn’t be safe with your trailer, you will be sure to know. We want your SPACE Trailer to last as long as possible. And we want you to enjoy it for as long as possible, too.

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